Orthodontic Appliances
Orthodontic treatment is generally best carried out in children, but adults can have orthodontic treatment - and more and more are doing. Age is less important than having the proper number of teeth. In children it may be necessary to wait for enough teeth to come through before starting treatment.
Treatment will not usually commence until the child is about 12 or 13 years old; when the adult teeth have come through and developed fully. In some cases treatment may start a couple of years later if teeth problems had not become noticeable beforehand. Children with a cleft lip and palate may require orthodontic treatment before their adult teeth have developed completely.
Many different types of appliances, both fixed and removable, are used to help move teeth, retrain muscles and affect the growth of the jaws. These appliances work by placing gentle pressure on the teeth and jaws. The severity of your problem will determine which orthodontic approach is likely to be the most effective.
The length of treatment depends on how severe the problem is, and may take anything from a few months to two-and-a-half years. Most people can be treated in one to two years.
A fixed brace is an orthodontic appliance which cannot be removed from the mouth by the patient. Amongst teenagers, fixed braces are commonly known as “train tracks” and they are one of the most effective ways of straightening teeth. They can be used in combination with removable or functional braces and while a fair number of patients benefit from more than one type of brace, most will have fixed braces.
The component of fixed braces which has the greatest variability is the bracket, which comes in various sizes, shapes and colors.
Many patients do not want metal braces fixed to their teeth. 'Train-tracks' are very obvious, even from a distance, and there is an increasing demand for less conspicuous braces. Patients seen under private contract can choose aesthetic braces. These are clear or tooth-colored brackets which are usually made from porcelain. A tooth colored wire is still used to straighten the teeth but this is only really obvious on closer inspection, but occasional we may recommend a metal wire to aid or speed up treatment.
Aesthetic braces are usually fitted on the front teeth and side teeth only.
Social 6 braces are a speedy alternative to conventional upper and lower full orthodontic treatment. Instead of treatment taking 18 months to 2 years, Social 6 cases are finished in around 3-6 months. A Social 6 fixed brace is made up of 6 or more brackets bonded to the front teeth and a fine wire running through the brackets. There is a choice of using either metal or clear (aesthetic) brackets. It takes about 20-40 minutes to bond on the fixed brace and appointments for adjustment are at 3-weekly intervals. Fixed braces give more control over treating rotations and certain angulations of the teeth.
Clear orthodontic aligners can straighten a dental patient’s teeth without the wires and brackets of traditional braces. The aligners consist of a sequence of clear, removable trays that fit over the teeth to straighten them. Each tray must be worn by the patient for a specified amount of time—usually around 20 hours a day for two weeks--before the patient can progress to the next tray.
Unlike traditional braces, the trays can be removed for brushing, flossing, and eating. Because the trays are clear, patients can undergo this type of orthodontic treatment without the usual discomfort associated with regular braces.
How long does the treatment take?
Orthodontic treatment is different to every individual. It depends on many different factors (for instance on the crowding of the teeth) but it usually takes 1-2 years.
What is the ideal age to get braces?
Orthodontic treatment is not related to a certain age. You can get braces as a child or as an adult. The ways of treatment techniques change though by time passing.
When to get removable braces?
It is recommended to have removable braces as a child, because children’s jaw is developing at this age and therefore, it is easier and faster to get the problem corrected. As an adult,
"Happy Smile" invisible braces can be worn, however, unfortunately they are not an option for everyone.
Can adults get night braces?
They can’t unfortunately, unless they wear them just to keep the position of the teeth.
Do teeth always have to be extracted before getting braces?
No. Extraction is advisable only when there is not enough room for the teeth in the jaw bone. Expect for
wisdom teeth, when they erupt in an incorrect position. They should be pulled out before the treatment starts.

What is the procedure of orthodontic treatment?
The treatment starts with a consultation. The diagnosis is set up based on an X-ray or dental CT scan. We discuss the options next and we make an individual price- and treatment plan. Sessions of the treatment start afterwards. The patient will get the braces after an impression was made. Then the braces are glued on the teeth with special dental glue. Removable braces don’t have to be glued on the teeth.
Normally, patients have to come back once a month to adjust the braces. After a certain period of time, we remove the braces and we make a new impression of the teeth. This is used to have the removable braces done which will help the teeth to keep their ideal position.
What can we eat when wearing braces?
It is advisable to avoid the type of food that can easily get stuck into the teeth. They are for example, chewing gum, popcorn and chocolate with different fillings. It is harder to get the teeth cleaned if we have braces on and also there is a bigger chance of getting cavities.
What can we drink when wearing braces?
Any types of drinks can be consumed.
I don’t want to have metal wires. Is there any other option?
There is a wide range of braces nowadays we can choose from. Instead of the traditional metal wires and retainers there are different aesthetical types of ceramic and sapphire braces available. Invisible braces are fitted from the tongue. You can read more about the different types of braces here.
Is the orthodontic treatment sore?
The treatment is rather uncomfortable than painful. Teeth are usually sensitive during the first few weeks but it will go away by time passing.
Having teeth whitening before or after the treatment?
As orthodontic treatment may take years, it is recommended to have
teeth whitening done before and after the orthodontic treatment as well. This type of teeth whitening doesn’t damage the teeth at all, and it could be repeated every 6 months.
Can I get braces if I have implants?
Implants are not a risk during orthodontic treatment.
What about implants built on post? Can orthodontic treatment be carried out?
Yes, no problem. Posts and screws don’t affect the roots of the teeth in movements.
I don’t want to wear braces at all. Is there any other options?
Veneer can be a solution for crowded teeth. In this case, the problem is aesthetically solved, so the teeth won’t be straightened but it will not be visible when you smile.